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Metrical Books - Marriage Records

Marriage records may appear in either a table/columns format or paragraph form. This page will address both formats, as well as the vocabulary commonly used in Russian language marriage records.

Table/Columns Format

Russian/Risti Marriage Records 1889
"Metrical books : Bogoi︠a︡vlenskai︠a︡ Church, 1887-1890," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 April 2023), Orthodox marriage records, 1889, Risti, Revel, Russian Empire, DGS no. 7788683, image no. 801 of 991.

See a transcription and translation of this document

The headings of records written in the table/columns format are sometimes written in Church Slavonic, using many of the archaic letters shown on the Alphabet Overview page of this tutorial. To simplify these documents for you, the following is a transcription and translation of the headings found in an average Christian marriage record (Orthodox, Catholic, etc.):

Метрической книги на (year in numerals)год: часть вторая, о бракосочетавшихся
Счетъ браковМесяцъ и деньЗвание, имя, отчество, фамилия и вероисповедание жениха, и которым бракомЛета женихаЗвание, имя, отчество, фамилия и вероисповедание невесты, и которым бракомЛета невестыКто совершал таинствоКто выли поручители
Подпись свидетелей записи по желанию
Metrical books for (year in numerals)year: second part, about those married
Marriage countMonth and dayRank, name, patronymic, surname and religion of the groom, and which marriage (1st, 2nd, etc.)Age of the groomRank, name, patronymic, surname and religion of the bride, and which marriage (1st, 2nd, etc.)Age of the brideWho performed the marriageWho were the guarantors/witnessesSignatures of the witnesses of the record (optional)

Use the scroll bar to see the rest of the headings for this document type.

  • The month is usually written only once on each page, unless it changes before the page is full, in which case the new month is written lower on the page. If you do not immediately see a month listed, check the surrounding entries.

The general concepts above also apply to Jewish records in the table/columns format, but the headings differ significantly. This is because, rather than using both pages to record data in Russian, the right-hand page records the same information as the left-hand page again, but in Hebrew.

Russian/Radun Marriage Records 1907
"Metrical books, 1896-1914," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 26 April 2023), Jewish marriage record, Radun, Lida, Vilna, Russia, DGS no. 4219455, image no. 474 of 1048.

See a transcription and translation of this document

These are the column headings for the Russian language portion of Jewish marriage records in the table format:

Часть II. О бракосочетавшихся.
No.ЛетаКто совершал обручевия и бракосочетания (хипу.)Число и месяцГлавные акты или записи и обязательства между вступающими в брак и свидетели оныхКто именно с кем вступает в брак также имена состояние родителей
Part II. About those married.
No.AgeWho performed the betrothal ceremony and marriage ordinance (Сhuppah)Date and monthPrincipal acts or records and obligations between those entering into marriage and those who have witnessed them [the records](Signatures)Who married whom and the names and social statuses of their parents

Use the scroll bar to see the rest of the headings for this document type.

  • Notice that the columns denoting the count for each gender are reversed from the order in which they are shown on Christian records, with females being recorded on the left and males on the right here.
  • The "Christian" date refers to either the Julian or Gregorian calendar, depending on which was in use at the time. See the Calendars page of this tutorial to learn more about the difference between these calendars and the Hebrew calendar.

Paragraph Format

Russian/Kulno Orthodox Marriage
“Księga prawosławna urodzeń, małżeństw i zgonów dla miejscowości Kulno,” Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie, Szukaj w Archiwach ( accessed 21 February 2023), entry for Iosef Podgurn and Ksenia Kowalsky, Orthodox marriage record, 11 January 1909, Kulno, Potok, Biłgoraj, Lublin, Russian Empire, Reference Code 8/106/0, scan no. 74 of 123.

See a transcription and translation of this document

The following is the general flow of a paragraph-style, Christian marriage record, with spaces left for the unique information provided in each individual document:

Состоялось в городе/селе/деревне/посаде (place where the event was reported) (date of reporting) (time of reporting). Объявляем что в присутствии свидетелей (witness or witnesses with their ages, occupations, and places of residence) заключен сего числа религиозный брачный союз между (groom's name) (groom's marital status) (groom's age) (groom's social status) (groom's father's name) (groom's mother's maiden name) (groom's birthplace) (groom's place of residence) и (bride's name) (bride's marital status) (bride's age) (bride's social status) (bride's father's name) (bride's mother's maiden name) (bride's place of residence). Позволение (statement about how permission to marry was given). Браку сему (statement about the three оглашения, or banns, posted before the marriage) в (name of the church where the banns were posted) (dates when the banns were posted). Религиозный обряд бракосочетания (statement about who performed the marriage). Акт сей (statement that the act was read by and signed by the couple and witnesses or that it was read to them due to illiteracy).

Here is an English translation of the paragraph above:

It happened in the city/town/village/settlement (place where the event was reported) (date of reporting) (time of reporting). It was announced that in the presence of the witnesses (witness or witnesses with their ages, occupations, and places of residence) a religious marriage ceremony took place on this date between (groom's name) (groom's marital status) (groom's age) (groom's social status) (groom's father's name) (groom's mother's maiden name) (groom's birthplace) (groom's place of residence) and (bride's name) (bride's marital status) (bride's age) (bride's social status) (bride's father's name) (bride's mother's maiden name) (bride's place of residence). Permission (statement about how permission to marry was given). This marriage (statement about the three banns posted before the marriage) in (name of the church where the banns were posted) (dates when the banns were posted). The religious marriage ordinance (statement about who performed the marriage). This act (statement that the act was read by and signed by the couple and witnesses or that it was read to them due to illiteracy).

Some notes about paragraph format documents:

  • It is possible that all of the elements above may not be present in the documents you encounter. In addition, some phrases may be written in a different order than shown here, especially those describing the bride and groom. Use key words and phrases to know which part of the document you are reading, even if a section was left out or is in a different position than you are accustomed to.
  • Because these records state that a marriage took place between two people, the names of the bride and groom have instrumental case endings. Refer to the Language and Grammar page of this tutorial for more information.
  • Paragraph-style records were a Polish custom and are common in the parts of the former Russian Empire that were part of Poland first. Because of this, you may find names written in both Russian and Polish in the paragraph format documents you encounter, usually separated by a slash.
  • Two different versions of a date may be recorded, one in the Julian calendar and the other in the Gregorian calendar (the most commonly used calendar today). The two dates are usually separated by a slash. For more about the format and grammar behind dates, see the Dates and Calendars pages of this tutorial.
  • Spelling can vary based on the time the record was written. You may find that i's are used in historical documents where you might expect to see и's in modern Russian. The same is often true of ѣ's and е's (see the Alphabet Overview page of this tutorial to learn more about these letters and their similarities). Additionally, the modern genitive ending -ого was often written as -аго in older documents.
  • Just like their tabular counterparts, paragraph-style documents use some different vocabulary when discussing Jewish marriages. Instead of mentioning banns in a church, a Jewish record will talk about the announcements being made in a synagogue (синагог). The note about who performed the marriage will refer to a rabbi (раввин) instead of a priest (священник or ксендз).

Common Vocabulary in Marriage Records

Use the list below to review common vocabulary found in Russian marriage records. While this is not an all-inclusive list, knowing these terms will help you to follow the general format of the marriage records you read. For more vocabulary options, see the FamilySearch Wiki Russian Genealogical Word List.

Russian TermEnglish Equivalent
акт сейthis act
браку семуthis marriage
в городеin the city
в деревнеin the village (without a church)
в присутствииin the presence of
в селеin the town (with a church)
вдова, вдовецwidow, widower
и там же проживающейand living there
изborn, née
ксендзCatholic priest
мещанин, мещанкаpetty bourgeois, middle class
нами и ими подписанsigned by myself and them
не подписанwas not signed
оба, обоихboth
обрядаrite, ordinance, ceremony, sacrament
объявляя чтоdeclaring that
от родуfrom birth
позволение на вступление в законный бракpermission to marry
предъбрачного договораprenuptial agreement
предъшествовали три оглашенияwas preceded by three banns/announcements
при родителяхwith the parents
приходаof the parish
прочитаньwas read
cborn, née
священникpriest, clergyman
сего годаof the same year
состоялосьit happened, it took place
текущего годаcurrent year
урожденнойborn, née


Paleography Introduction