Russian: Transcription Marriage Kulno 1909 Skip to main content
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Marriage - Kulno, Poland - 1909

Below is an example of an Orthodox birth record in paragraph format. This document is from the city of Kulno, which is located in the Subcarpathian voivodeship of Poland today.

Russian/Kulno Orthodox Marriage

Below are a Russian transcription and an English translation of this marriage record. To review frequently used vocabulary and learn more about marriage records in general, go to the Marriage Records Overview page of this tutorial.

Акты о бракосочетавшихся
въ 1909 году.
1Acts about those married in the 1909th year.
Состоялось въ селѣ Кульно одиннадцатаго Января2It happened in the town of Kulno on the eleventh of January
тысяча девятьсотъ девятаго года_ въ два часа по по-3one thousand nine hundred ninth year [1909] at two o'clock in the af-
-лудни_. Объявляемъ, что въ присутствiи свидѣтелей:4-ternoon. It was declared, that in the presence of the witnesses:
Антонiя_ Стефанова Буцiора тридцати семи лѣтъ5Antony Stefan Butsior thirty-seven years [of age]
крестьянина деревни Лазора и Тимоѳея Iаковлева6peasant of the village of Lazor and Timothy Jacoblev
Завабы пятидесяти шести лѣтъ, крестьянина села7Zavaba fifty-six years [of age], peasant of the town of
Кульно заключенъ сего числа религiозный брачный союзъ8Kulno there was completed on this date a religious marital union
между Iосифомъ Подгурнымъ вдовцемъ послѣ9between Iosif [Joseph] Podgurn widower after
Евы Iаврiиловы урожденной Крупа умершей двад-10Eva Iavriilov born Krupa died on the
-цать третъяго Iюля тысяча девятьсотъ восьмого года_,11twenty-third of July of the one thousand nine hundred eighth year [1908],
крестьяниномъ деревии Лазова_, сорока семи лѣтъ отъ12peasant of the village of Lazor, forty-seven years from
роду, сыномъ умершихъ Iоанна и Евфросинiи урожденной13birth, son of the deceased Ioann [John] and Yevfrosiniya née
Крупа супруговъ Подгурныхъ и Ксенiею Ковальской, вдовой, пос-14Krupa the legal spouses Podgurn and Kseniya Kowalsky, widow, after
-лѣ умершаго пятаго февраля тысяча девятьсотъ пятаго15the death on the fifth of February of the one thousand nine hundred fifth
года крестьянина села Кульно Iоанна Григорiева Каваль-16year [1905] of the peasant of the town Kulno Ioann [John] Grigoriev Kawal-
-скаго, крестьянкой села Кульно тридцати восьми лѣтъ17-sky, peasant [referring to Kseniya now] of the town of Kulno thirty-eight years
отъ роду дочерью умершихъ Iоанна и Марiи урожденной18from birth daughter of the deceased Ioann [John] and Maria née
Буцiоръ супругов Крупа_, крестьянъ села Кульно. Бра-19Butsior the spouses Krup, peasants of the town of Kulno. This
-ку сему предшествовало три оглашенiя публикован-20marriage was preceded by three public announce-
-ныя вь Кульнской приходской церкви: четвертаго21-ments in the Kulno parish church: fourteenth
шестого и одиннадцатого Января сего года. Но-22sixth and eleventh of January of the same year. The
-вобрачные заявили, что они никакого брачнаго23newlyweds declared that there was no prenuptial
договора между собою не заключали. Религiозный24agreement concluded between them. The religious
обрядъ бракосочетанiя совершенъ Нами. Акт сей25ceremony of marriage was completed by Us.* This act
присутствующимъ прочитанъ и по ихъ неграмот-26was read to those present and due to illiter-
-ности, Нами только подписанъ.27-acy, only We signed it.
Настоятель Кульскаго Православнаго при-28Rector of the Kulno Orthodox par-
-хода содержащiй акты гражданскаго состо-29-ish comprising acts of civil stat-
-янiя. [signature]30-us. [signature]

*In many records, the "royal we" is used by the scribe, meaning that the scribe refers to his or herself as "we" and "us," as is seen in the document above.

  • Document: “Księga prawosławna urodzeń, małżeństw i zgonów dla miejscowości Kulno,” Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie, Szukaj w Archiwach ( accessed 21 February 2023), entry for Iosef Podgurn and Ksenia Kowalsky, Orthodox marriage record, 11 January 1909, Kulno, Potok, Biłgoraj, Lublin, Russian Empire, Reference Code 8/106/0, scan no. 74 of 123.

Paleography Introduction