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Revision List - Radyvyliv, Ukraine - 1858

Revision lists vary in their format and contents based on which revision was being conducted when a specific record was created. Below is an example of a record from the tenth revision (1857-1858). This document is from the city of Radyvyliv, which is located in the Rivne oblast of Ukraine today.

Russian/10th Revision Radyvyliv ДАЖО 118-14-142 (complete)
"1858 рік. Ревізькі казки євреїв Кременецького повіту Волинської губернії," Radzivilova, Kremenets uyezd, Volyn gubernia, Russian Empire. Архів:Єврейське містечко (, ДАЖО, ф. 118, оп. 14, сп. 142, record of the tenth revision, page 7-8 of 696.

This is the left-hand page, which lists the men in the households being referenced:

Russian/10th Revision Radyvyliv ДАЖО 118-14-142 image 7.jpg
"1858 рік. Ревізькі казки євреїв Кременецького повіту Волинської губернії," Radzivilova, Kremenets uyezd, Volyn gubernia, Russian Empire. Архів:Єврейське містечко (, ДАЖО, ф. 118, оп. 14, сп. 142, record of the tenth revision, page 7 of 696.

The following transcription shows the column headings of the document translated into English, followed by each row from the original document in typed Russian and translated into English (to see similar headings in modernized Russian, go to the Revision Lists Overview page of this tutorial). Use the numerals in the far left column to keep track of which row is being transcribed or translated.

18 58 года мая 20го дня Волынской Губернiи Кре
менецкаго Уѣзда мѣстечкa Ридзивилова
Revision List
18 58 year May 20th day Volyn gubernia Kremenets uyezd Radzivilov shtetl


middle class*

[Age] according to the last revision (and [data] which came after it was taken)Who of that number has departedNow present
No. 9 RevisionNo. 10 RevisionYears [of age]When exactlyYears [of age]
241147Леви, Мошковичъ Вейцеръ4957
241147Levi Moshkovich Veitser4957
243148Мошко-Лейбъ, Мордко-Гершковичъ Динцкеръ5361
243148Moshko-Leyb Mordko-Gershkovich Dintsker5361


подобавочной сказкѣ 25 Июля 1859 года под № 3

149Ерми, Шулимовичъ Птицъ59умеръ въ 1851 году"
Его сынъ Iось26"**34
Iося Ермовича сынъ, Ицекъ4"10


additional list for 25 July 1859 under № 3

149Yermi Shulimovich Ptits59died in 1851"
His [Yermi's] son Yos26"34
Yos Yermovich's son, Itsek4"10
245150Мордко Гершъ, Файвашовичъ Бланкъ29"37
245150Mordko Gersh*** Faivashovich Blank 29"37
247151Хаскель Абрамовичъ Касилинеръ36умеръ въ 1855 году
Его Братъ, Хаимъ-Ицекъ20отдан в рекруты за Kременецкое ощество 1855 года"
247151Khaskel Abramovich Kasiliner36died in 1855"
His [Khaskel's] brother, Khaim-Itsek20was recruited by the Kremenets society in 1855"
Total males present5****

This is the right-hand page, which lists the women in the households shown above:

Russian/10th Revision Radyvyliv ДАЖО 118-14-142 image 8
"1858 рік. Ревізькі казки євреїв Кременецького повіту Волинської губернії," Radzivilova, Kremenets uyezd, Volyn gubernia, Russian Empire. Архів:Єврейське містечко (, ДАЖО, ф. 118, оп. 14, сп. 142, record of the tenth revision, page 8 of 696.

The following transcription shows the column headings of the document translated into English, followed by each row from the original document in typed Russian and translated into English (to see similar headings in modernized Russian, go to the Revision Lists Overview page of this tutorial). Use the numerals in the far left column to keep track of which row is being transcribed or translated.

18 58 года мая 20го дня Волынской Губернiи Кре
менецкаго Уѣзда мѣстечкa Ридзивилова
Revision List
18 58 year May 20th day Volyn gubernia Kremenets uyezd Radzivilov shtetl


middle class*

On a temporary leaveNow present
No. 9 RevisionNo. 10 RevisionFrom what timeYears [of age]
241147Лева Мошковича жена Рейзя"56
Его Дочь Рухля24
241147Levi Moshkovich's wife Reyzya"56
His [Levi's] daughter Rukhlya24
243148Мошка-Лейба жена Фейга56
243148Moshko-Leyb's wife Feiga56
Iося Ермовича жена Пиня33
Его Дочери 1 Марiя"6
2 Сура Ривка"1
Yos Yermovich's wife Pinya33
His [Yos's] daughters
1 Maria
2 Sura Rivka"1
247151Хаскеля Абрамовича жена Рися44
Его Дочь Рухля Тоуба"15
Хаима Ицка, Абрамовича жена Элька"26
Его Дочь Рухля Тоуба"6
247151Khaskel Abramovich's wife Risya44
His [Khaskel's] daughter Rukhlya Touba"15
Khaim Itska Abramovich's wife Elka"26
His [Khaim Itska's] daughter Ruchlya Touba"6
Total females present10

* The term мещанин refers to the middle class, including tradespeople, the petty bourgeois, and general townspeople. It is listed at the top of this revision list to indicate that all the households below fell into that category as far as social status was concerned.
** The quotation marks used throughout this document are meant to mark blank spaces, rather than acting as ditto marks like they often do in English language documents. They do NOT indicate the repetition of the information above.
***Though a direct transliteration of this name would be "Gersh," it is likely that the Russianized version of this name was only spelled with a Г because there is no equivalent "h" sound in the Russian language (using "г" in the place of "h" when transliterating a name in Russian is standard practice). The original name was likely Hirsh.
****Notice that, even in the original record, the count for the males is off. It appears that the scribe counted households instead of people in this count, whereas the number of females recorded is accurate to the data recorded above.


Paleography Introduction