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Divorce Records - Chișinău, Moldova - 1900

Below is an example of a page of Jewish divorce records in a column/table format. This document is from the city of Chișinău, which is the capital of Moldova today.

Russian/Divorces Kishinev 1900
"Молдова метрические книги, 1811-1936," images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 13 April 2023), Jewish divorce records, Kishinev, Kishinev, Bessarabia, Russian Empire, DGS no. 5608624, image no. 826 of 1104.

The following transcription shows the column headings of the document translated into English, followed by each row from the original document in typed Russian and translated into English (the page written in Hebrew will not be translated here, as it repeats the same information listed in Russian). The document has been broken into a table for each entry with the headings in English accompanying each one for easier reading (to see the headings in modernized Russian, go to the Divorce Records Overview page of this tutorial). Use the numerals in the far left column to keep track of which row is being transcribed or translated.

Part III. About those divorced.
No.Years [of age]Who performs the rite of divorce or chalitzah and who were witnesses when it was performed.Date and monthFor what reasonsBy whose decisionWho exactly is divorced from whom by divorce or through a chalitzah
153447Раввинъ и свидѣтели: Рувинъ Рехтеръ, Гершъ Ройзинштейнъ и Вольфъ МеламудъФевраль
По ненавистиСами согласились къ разводуРазведникъ Кишиневскiй мѣщанинъ Мошко-Ицекъ Iоселевъ Зильберманъ, разведница Хая-Рухля Лехтенбергъ, Кишиневская мѣщанка.
153447Rabbi and witnesses: Ruvin Rekhter, Gersh Royzinshtein and Volf MelamudFebruary
Out of hatredThey themselves [the couple] agreed upon a divorceDivorcé Kishinev petty bourgeois Moshko-Itsek Ioselev Zelberman, divorcée Khaya-Rukhlya Lekhtenberg, Kishinev petty bourgeois.

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the divorce entry.

Part III. About those divorced.
No.Years [of age]Who performs the rite of divorce or chalitzah and who were witnesses when it was performed.Date and monthFor what reasonsBy whose decisionWho exactly is divorced from whom by divorce or through a chalitzah
162327Раввинъ и свидѣтели: Мееръ-Сруль Гольденштейнъ, Мордко Марменскiй и Яковъ Калiйскiй.13Адаръ
По ненавистиСами согласились къ разводуРазведникъ Кишиневскiй мѣщанинъ Хаимъ Берковъ Зельцеръ, разведница Ита Шмулевна Янкелевичъ, Кишиневская мѣщанка.
162327Rabbi and witnesses: Meyer-Srul Goldenshtein, Mordko Marmensky and Yakov Kalisky.13Adar
Out of hatredThey themselves [the couple] agreed upon a divorceDivorcé Kishinev petty bourgeois Khaim Berkov Zeltser, divorcée Ita Shmulevna Yankelevich, Kishinev petty bourgeois.

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the divorce entry.

Part III. About those divorced.
No.Years [of age]Who performs the rite of divorce or chalitzah and who were witnesses when it was performed.Date and monthFor what reasonsBy whose decisionWho exactly is divorced from whom by divorce or through a chalitzah
173643Раввинъ и свидѣтели: Срул-Хаимъ Солтоновичъ, Шоиль Гифейзманъ и Берко Куцакъ.157По ненавистиСами согласились къ разводуРазведникъ Подольской Гуьернiи М. Варницы Мошко Сруль-Гершковъ Шульманъ, разведница Махля Пейсах Аронова Слодникъ, Слонимская мѣщанка.
173643Rabbi and witnesses: Srul-Khaim Soltonovich, Shoil Gifeyzman and Berko Kutsak.157Out of hatredThey themselves [the couple] agreed upon a divorceDivorcé Podolia gubernia petty bourgeois of Varnitsa Moshko Srul-Gershkov Shulman, divorcée Makhlya Peysakh Aronova Slodnik, Slonimsky petty bourgeois.

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the divorce entry.


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