Death - Łomża, Poland - 1891
Below is an example of a Jewish death record in paragraph format. This document is from the city of Łomża
Below are a Russian transcription and an English translation of this death record. To review frequently used vocabulary and learn more about death records in general, go to the Death Records Overview page of this tutorial.
Transcription | Line | Translation | ||
267 | Состоялось въ городѣ Ломжѣ двадцать втораго Ноя- | 1 | 267 | It happened in the city of Łomża on the twenty-second of Nov- |
Ломжа | -бря / четвертаго Декабря / тысяча восемьсоть девяности | 2 | Łomża | -ember / fourteenth of December / one thousand ninety |
перваго года, въ пять часовь по полудни. Явились лично жи- | 3 | first year [1891], at five o'clock in the afternoon. Appeared personally the res- | ||
-тели города Ломжи школьники:* Абрамъ Давидъ Шейнкопъ | 4 | -idents of the city of Łomża, synagogue caretakers: Abram David Sheincop | ||
сорокъ лѣтъ и Малкiель Ружа пятдесяти двухъ лѣтъ, | 5 | forty years [of age] and Malchiel Ruzha fifty two years, | ||
объявили: что вчерашняго числа въ шесть часовъ утра | 6 | they declared: that on yesterday's date [21 November / 13 December 1891] at six o'clock in the morning | ||
въ городѣ Ломжѣ умеръ Хаимъ Богацкiй, три года | 7 | in the city of Łomża died Chaim Bogatsky, three years | ||
и девят мѣсяцувъ отъ роду имѣющiй, сын лабочника | 8 | and nine months from birth having, son of the laborer | ||
Абрама Янкеля Бенiяминовича и Рохли Мошковны | 9 | Abram Yankel Beniyaminovich and Rochel Moshkovna | ||
урожденной Розенбергъ супруговъ Богацкихъ жителей горо- | 10 | née Rozenberg the spouses Bogatsky residents of the ci- | ||
-да Ломжи. По наочному удостовѣренiю, о кончинѣ Хаима | 11 | -ty of Łomża. The death was certified/confirmed by Chaim | ||
Богацкаго. Актъ сей присутствухщимъ прочитанъ имени | 12 | Bogatsky. This act was read to those present | ||
и нами подписанъ. [signatures] | 13 | and we signed it. [signatures] | ||
Чиновникъ Гражданскаго Состоянiя | 14 | Civil Status Officer | ||
Президентъ гор. Ломжи [signature] | 15 | President of the city of Łomża [signature] |
*The term школьники
- Document: “Księga zgonów, Akta stanu cywilnego Okręgu Bożniczego w Łomży,” Archiwum Państwowe w Białymstoku Oddział w Łomży, Szukaj w Archiwach ( accessed 21 February 2023), entry for Chaim Bogatsky, 14 December 1891 (Gregorian date), Łomża, Łomża, Białystok, Russian Empire, Reference Code 5/169/0/-/108, scan no. 174 of 184.