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Making sense of old handwriting

Death Records - Chișinău, Moldova - 1899

Below is an example of a page of Jewish death records in a column/table format. This document is from the city of Chișinău, which is the capital of Moldova today.

Russian/Kishinev Deaths Jewish 1899.jpg
"Молдова метрические книги, 1811-1936," images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 13 April 2023), Jewish death records, Kishinev, Kishinev, Bessarabia, Russian Empire, DGS no. 5610475, image no. 138 of 1124.

The following transcription shows the column headings of the document translated into English, followed by each row from the original document in typed Russian and translated into English (the page written in Hebrew will not be translated here, as it repeats the same information listed in Russian). The document has been broken into a table for each entry with the headings in English accompanying each one for easier reading (to see the headings in modernized Russian, go to the Death Records Overview page of this tutorial). Use the numerals in the far left column to keep track of which row is being transcribed or translated.

Part IV. About the deceased.
Where the person died and was buriedDate and monthAgeIllness, or cause of deathWho died
1Въ городѣ КишиневѣЯнварь
1 2/3отъ кориЯнкель сынъ кременчугскаго мѣщанина Моисеея Каневскаго
1In the city KishinevJanuary 1Shevat 21 2/3from measlesYankel son of the Kremenchug petty bourgeois Moiseey Kanevsky

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the death entry.

Part IV. About the deceased.
Where the person died and was buriedDate and monthAgeIllness, or cause of deathWho died
2Въ городѣ Кишиневѣ""45Въ Кишинев. еврейской болницѣ отъ чахотки легкихъИхель Боруховъ Фельдманъ, Кишиневскiй мѣщанинъ
2In the city Kishinev""45In the Kishinev Jewish hospital for consumption of the lungsIkhel Borukhov Feldman, Kishinev petty bourgeois

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the death entry.

Part IV. About the deceased.
Where the person died and was buriedDate and monthAgeIllness, or cause of deathWho died
3Въ городѣ Кишиневѣ""63отъ сахарнаго мочеизнуренияАбрамъ Дувидовъ Рошко, Кишиневскiй мѣщанинъ
3In the city Kishinev""63from sugar diabetesAbram Duvidov Roshko, Kishinev petty bourgeois

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the death entry.

Part IV. About the deceased.
Where the person died and was buriedDate and monthAgeIllness, or cause of deathWho died
4Въ городѣ Кишиневѣ2331отъ чахотки легкихъМордко Абрамъ-Лейбовичъ Кандель, Бѣлецкiй мѣщанинъ
4In the city Kishinev2331from consumption of the lungsMordko Abram-Leybovich Kandel, Belets [possibly modern-day Bălți] petty bourgeois

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the death entry.

Part IV. About the deceased.
Where the person died and was buriedDate and monthAgeIllness, or cause of deathWho died
5Въ городѣ Кишиневѣ""1 1/4отъ воспаленiя легкихъЯнкель сынъ Кишише[вск]аго мѣщанина Шимона Лотмана
5In the city Kishinev""1 1/4from inflammation of the lungsYankel son of Kishinev petty bourgeois Shimon Lotman

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the death entry.


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