Russian: Transcription Confession List Pärnu 1896 Skip to main content
Making sense of old handwriting

Confession List - Pärnu, Estonia - 1896

Below is an example of an Orthodox confession list. This document is from the city of Pärnu, which is located in the Pärnu county of Estonia today.

The red numbers on the left-hand side of the record indicate the total number of entries on this page.

Russian/1896 Confession List.png

Below are a Russian transcription and an English translation of this confession list. Click on any image on this page to open it in a new tab where you can zoom in and take a closer look. To see common column headings, review frequently used vocabulary, and learn more about confession lists in general, go to the Confession Lists Overview page of this tutorial.

Russian/ Parnu, Confession, 1896 - Transcription.png
Russian/ Parnu, Confession, 1896 - Translation.png

*This name is generally spelled with the letter ё and has been transliterated that way, despite the fact that the two dots were omitted from above the corresponding letter. See this tutorial's description of the letter ё for more information.

**К сей is written here five times as part of an ongoing notation continued in the following pages of the record book. It does not refer to any of the people listed in the confession list itself.

  • Document: "Metrical books : Ekaterininskai︠a︡ Church, 1765-1926," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 March 2023), page no. 1, household no. 1, Pernov, Riga, Livonia, Russian Empire, 1896, DGS no. 7792213, image no. 270 of 902.

Paleography Introduction