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Making sense of old handwriting

Confession List - Pärnu, Estonia - 1896

Below is an example of an Orthodox confession list. This document is from the city of Pärnu, which is located in the Pärnu county of Estonia today.

The red numbers on the left-hand side of the record have been added to simplify your reading of the document's transcription and translation.

Russian/1896 Confession List.png
"Metrical books : Ekaterininskai︠a︡ Church, 1765-1926," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 March 2023), page no. 1, household no. 1, Pernov, Riga, Livonia, Russian Empire, 1896, DGS no. 7792213, image no. 270 of 902.

The following transcription shows the column headings of the document translated into English, followed by each row from the original document in typed Russian and translated into English. The document has been broken into a table for each entry with the headings in English accompanying each one for easier reading (to see the headings in modernized Russian, go to the Confession Lists Overview page of this tutorial). Use the numerals in the far left column to keep track of which row is being transcribed or translated.

Here is the introductory information from the document, first transcribed (with typed Russian modernized for easier reading) and then translated into English:

ведомость Рижской Епархiи, Лифляндской Губернiи
Перновско-Городской свято Екатерининской Церкви
Священно и Церковно Служителямъ

обретаюшымся при оной церкви в приходе нижеявленных чинов людям, со изявлением
против коегождо имени о бытии их в святую четыредесятинцу у исповеди и святых
таин причастия и ктож исповедался токмо а не причастился, и ктож не исповедался.

Register of the Riga eparchy, Livonia gubernia of
Pernov city's St. Katerinina's church
[pertaining to] priestly and church servants

the below-indicated classes of people belonging to this church, with a declaration
opposite each name about their presence at the holy forty days of confession and the holy
sacrament of communion and also who only confessed and did not receive communion, and also who did not confess.

Each of the following tables refers to a person in the document. Use the red numbers on the document image to determine which person is being described in each section of the transcription.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females
111Настоятель Михаилъ Ми-
хаиловъ Суйгусаръ.
1Abbot Mikhail Mi-
khailov Suigusar
56was [present]

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females
21Жена его Марiя Константи-
1Wife of him [Mikhail] Maria Constanti-
44was [present]

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females
32Дѣти ихъ: Александра19была
2Children of them [Mikhail and Maria]: Aleksandra19was [present]

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females
2Dimitry10was [present]

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females
3Vladimir9was [present]

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females
74Священникъ Николай
Николаевъ Цвѣтковъ
4Priest Nikolay
Nikolaev Tsvetkov
41was [present]

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females
84Жена его Надежда Констан-
4Wife of him [Nikolay] Nadezhda Constan-
39was [present]

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females
95Дѣти ихъ: Варвара13была
5Children of them [Nikolay and Nadezhda]: Varvara13was [present]

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females
5Sergiy12was [present]

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females
6Aleksandra10was [present]

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females
158Дiаконъ Илья Семенов
62былъкъ сей**
8Deacon Ilya Semyonov*
62was [present][see note below]

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females
168Жена его Анна Андреева52была
8Wife of him [Ilya] Anna Andreeva52was [present]

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

Person No. (added for easier reading)NumberSouls and their householdsAge from birthRegistration of actions
of Homes or buildings of Peopleof Malesof FemalesWho was at the confession of Holy CommunionWho confessed only, and did not partake of CommunionWho was not at confession
of Malesof Females
179Дѣти ихъ: Марiя26былакъ сей**
9Children of them [Ilya and Anna]: Maria26was [present][see note below]

Use the scroll bar to move between sections of the confession list.

*This name is generally spelled with the letter ё and has been transliterated that way, despite the fact that the two dots were omitted from above the corresponding letter. See this tutorial's description of the letter ё for more information.
**К сей is written here five times as part of an ongoing notation continued in the following pages of the record book. It does not refer to any of the people listed in the confession list itself.


Paleography Introduction