Russian: Transcription Census Ichetovkiny 1897 Skip to main content
Making sense of old handwriting

Census - Ichetovkiny, Russia - 1897

Below is an example of an 1897 census return. This document is from the village of Ichetovkiny, which is located in the Kirov oblast of Russia today.

Russian/1897 Census (Vyatka)

Below are a Russian transcription and an English translation of this census record. Click on any image on this page to open it in a new tab where you can zoom in and take a closer look. To see common column headings, review frequently used vocabulary, and learn more about census records in general, go to the 1897 Census Overview page of this tutorial.

Russian/ Ichetovkiny, Census, 1897 - Transcription.png
Russian/ Ichetovkiny, Census, 1897 - Translation.png

  • Document: "Перепись населения : Вятка (губерния), 1897," database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed 31 March 2023), page 121, Ichetovkin family, 28 January 1897, Ichetovkiny, Glazovsky, Vyatka, Russian Empire, DGS no. 7484626, image 465 of 874.

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