Birth - Osiek Wielki, Poland - 1894
Below is an example of a birth record in paragraph format. This document is from the village of Osiek Wielki

Below are a Russian transcription and an English translation of this birth record. To review frequently used vocabulary and learn more about birth records in general, go to the Birth Records Overview page of this tutorial.
Transcription | Line | Translation | ||
Любины | Состаялосъ въ деревнѣ осѣкъ велькій двадцать седьмаго Декабря | 1 | Lyubiny | It happened in the village of Osek Wielki on the twenty-seventh of December |
Новицкій | /:восьмаго Января:/ тысяча восемьсоть девяносто третяго (четвертаго) года | 2 | Novitsky | /:eighth of January:/ in the one thousand eight hundred ninety third (fourth) year |
Стефанъ | въ одинадцать часовъ утра Явился Янъ Новицкій /:Jan Nowicki:/ | 3 | Stefan | at eleven o'clock in the morning. Appeared Yan Novitsky /:Jan Nowicki:/ |
сорока лѣтъ отъ роду земледѣлецъ изъ Любинъ, въ присутствіи | 4 | forty-year-old farmer from Lubin, in the presence of | ||
Францишка Новицкаго сорока лѣтъ, и Михаила Влодарчика | 5 | Frantsishek Novitsky, forty years old, and Mikhail Vlodarchik | ||
шестидесяти лѣтъ отъ роду, обоихъ земледѣльцевъ изъ Любинъ | 6 | sixty years old, both farmers from Lubin | ||
и предьявилъ намъ младенца мужскаго пола, объявляя | 7 | and presented to us a baby of the male sex, declaring | ||
что онъ родился въ Любинахъ двадцать пятаго Декабря | 8 | that he was born in Lubin on the twenty-fifth of December | ||
/:шестаго Января:/ текущаго года, въ четыре часа вечеромъ | 9 | /:sixth of January:/ of the current year, at 4 o'clock in the evening | ||
отъ законной его жены Маріанны изъ Адамковъ /:Mary- | 10 | of his lawful wife, Marianna nee Adamkov /:Mary- | ||
anny z Adamkow:/ тридцати лѣтъ отъ роду, младенцу | 11 | anny z Adamkow:/ thirty years old. To this infant, | ||
этому при святомъ крещеніи совершенномъ сего | 12 | at the time the holy baptism was performed on this | ||
числа дано имя Стефанъ /:Stefan:/ а воспріемниками | 13 | date, was given the name Stefan /:Stefan:/ and his godparents | ||
его были Войцех Гаудынъ, и Катаржина Гембка. | 14 | were Voytsekh Gaudyn and Katarzhina Gembka. | ||
Актъ сей объявляющему и свидѣтелямъ негра- | 15 | This act, to the declarant and to the illiterate witnesses, | ||
мотнымъ прочитанъ нами только подписанъ | 16 | was read. It was only signed by us. | ||
Ксндзъ Павелъ Выборскій | 17 | Priest Pavel Vyborsky |
This document contains many Polish names. To maintain consistency with the rest of the site, they have been transliterated into the Latin alphabet using the same system that is used for Russian names. For clarity, below is a list of names from the document along with their Polish equivalents.
In Russian | Transliteration to English | In Polish |
Стефанъ Новицкій | Stefan Novitsky | Stefan Nowicki |
Янъ Новицкій | Yan Novitsky | Jan Nowicki |
Францишек Новицкій | Frantsishek Novitsky | Franciszek Nowicki |
Михаил Влодарчик | Mikhail Vlodarchik | Michał Włodarczyk |
Маріанна изъ Адамковъ | Marianna nee Adamkov | Maryanna Adamkow |
Войцех Гаудынъ | Voytsekh Gaudyn | Wojciech Gaudyn |
Катаржина Гембка | Katarzhina Gembka | Katarzyna Gembka |
Павелъ Выборскій | Pavel Vyborsky | Paweł Wyborski |
- “Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej Osiek Wielki (pow. kolski),” Archiwum Państwowe w Poznaniu Oddział w Koninie, Szukaj w Archiwach ( accessed 25 January 2023), entry for Stefan Novitsky, Catholic birth record, 6 January 1894 (Gregorian date), Osiek Wielki, Czołowo, Koło, Kaliska, Russian Empire, Reference Code 54/792/0/6.1/140, scan no. 4 of 76.