Russian: Transcription Birth Mikhalishki 1901 Skip to main content
Making sense of old handwriting

Birth Record - Mikhalishki, Belarus - 1901

Below is an example of a page of Jewish birth records in a column/table format. This document is from the village of Mikhalishki (also known as Smolzavod), which is located in Belarus today.

Russian/Kishinev Jewish Births 1868 (DGS 5601722, image 60).jpg

Below are a Russian transcription and an English translation of this birth record. The page written in Hebrew will not be translated here, as it repeats the same information listed in Russian. Click on any image on this page to open it in a new tab where you can zoom in and take a closer look. To see common column headings, review frequently used vocabulary, and learn more about birth records in general, go to the Birth Records page of this tutorial.

Russian/ Mikhalishki, Birth, 1901 - Transcription.png
Russian/ Mikhalishki, Birth, 1901 - Translation.png

*The word "teivel" (טייַוול) means "devil" in Yiddish. It is unclear what the connection between these dates in the Hebrew calendar and the word "teivel" would be in this context.

**A stan was a type of jurisdiction used during the time of the Russian Empire. They were most common before the 1800s.

  • Document: "Metrical books, 1854-1914," database with images, ( : accessed 13 April 2023), Jewish birth records, Mikhalishki, Vilna, Vilna, Russian Empire, DGS no. 4219644, image no. 599 of 1007.

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