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Birth - Kłobuck, Poland - 1904

Below is an example of a Roman Catholic birth record in paragraph format. This document is from the city of Kłobuck, which is located in the Silesian voivodeship of Poland today.

Russian/Klobucku Birth Record
“Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Kłobucku,” Archiwum Państwowe w Częstochowie, Szukaj w Archiwach ( accessed 8 February 2023), entry for Yuliana Sekiewicz, Catholic birth record, 14 February 1904 (Gregorian date), Kłobuck, Kłobuck, Częstochowa, Russian Empire, Reference Code 8/106/0, scan no. 586 of 14,203.

Birth Records Overview



86Состоялось въ посадѣ Клобуцкѣ перваго четырнадцатаго февраля, ты-186It happened in the settlement of Kłobuck on the first fourteenth February, one-
-сяча девятьсотъ четвертаго года, въ три часа пополудни. Явился Юл 2-thousand nine hundred fourth year [1904], at three o'clock in the afternoon. Appeared Yul-
Клобуцкъ-iанъ Сенкевичъ/. Julian Sekiewicz./ земледѣлецъ изъ Клобуцкa сорока3Kłobuck-ian Senkevich/.Julian Sekiewicz./ farmer from Kłobuck forty
лѣтъ въ присутствiи Михаила Фрыга из Рыбны сорока одного года4years [of age] in the presence of Mikhail Fryga née Rybna forty one years
и Николая Ендржейчик изъ Клобуцка шестидесяти лѣтъ отъ роду. обоихъ5and Nikolay Endrzheychik from Kłobuck sixty years from birth. both
земледѣльцевь, и предъявиль намъ младенца женскаго пола объявляя,6farmers, and showed me a child of the female sex declaring,
что онъ родился въ Клобуцкѣ тридцатаго января/ двенадцатаго февра-7that it was born in Kłobuck on the thirtieth of January/twelfth of Februa-
-ля/ сего года, въ два часа пополуночи отъ законной его жены Марiанны8-ry of this year, at two o'clock after midnight [2 AM] of his lawful wife Marianna
урожденной Гладышъ /. Maryanna z Gladyszow./ трыгадцати пяти9née Gladysh /. Maryanna z Gladyszow./ thirty-five
лѣтъ отъ роду. Младенцу этому при святомъ крещенiй совершенномъ сего10years from birth. This child was upon holy baptism this
числа дано имя Юлiанна, а воспрiемниками были: упомянутых11day given the name Yulianna, the godparents were: the abovementioned
Михаила Фрыга и Марiанна Гладышъ. Акт сей неграмо-12Mikahil Fryga and Marianna Gladysh. This act
-тнымъ объявляющаму и свидѣтелямъ прочитанъ и нами под-13was read to the illiterate declarant and witnesses and we
-писанъ. 14signed.

Because this document uses archaic spelling, it may still prove difficult to read for those familiar with modern Russian. See our Alphabet Overview page to familiarize yourself with uncommon Cyrillic letters or our Individual Letters pages to see examples of handwritten Cyrillic letters.


Paleography Introduction