Spanish: Common Phrases Skip to main content
Making sense of old handwriting

Common Phrases

Common Phrases Used in Parish Records

Reading old parish records can be much easier when one understands and becomes familiar with the format of those records. Most christening, marriage, and burial records written after the Council of Trent follow the same pattern and include basically the same phrases. The following is a list of commonly used phrases found in old christening, marriage, and burial records.


Spanish Phrase
ídem, iden, eadem, ejusdemsame, of the same
dicho, susodichothe said
infrascrito, infraescrito, infraescriptoundersigned
ut supra (Latin)as above, as stated above (usually refers to the date)


Spanish Phrase
A diez días del corriente mes y año…On ten days of the current month and year…
En quince días del mes de septiembre del corriente año…On fifteen days of the month of September of the current year…
En veinte y seis días del mes de julio próximo pasado...On twenty and six days of the past month of July...
...que murió el veinticinco del mismo......that died on the twenty-fifth of the same...


Spanish Phrase
En esta villa del Rosario…In this town of Rosario…
En este departamento del Diamante…In this district of Diamante…
En esta (iglesia) parroquial de San Cipriano…In this parish (church) of San Cipriano...
En la iglesia de…In the church of…
En la feligresía de…In the parish of…
En la doctrina de…In the curacy/parish of…
En la curato de…In the curacy/parish of…
En la vicaría de…In the vicariate of…
…vecinos de la parroquia de María Magdalena en el lugar de Cué, concejo de Llanes……residents of the parish of María Magdalena in the place of Cué, municipality of Llanes…
…todos naturales y vecinos de este departamento……(being) all natives and residents of this district…
…natural de dicho concejo y vecino de esta……native of the said municipality and resident of this (parish/town)...


Spanish Phrase
el curathe parish priest
el licenciadothe licentiate
el párrocothe parson, the parish priest
el tenientethe deputy
el bachillerthe bachelor (This term refers to the person's academic degree, not his marital status)
el vicariothe vicar
frayfriar or brother
el presbíterothe priest
el reverendo padrethe reverend father
encargadoin charge
con licencia dewith permission of
con mi licenciawith my permission
ex licentia parochi (Latin)by license of the parish priest
cum venia parochi (Latin)with permission of the parish priest
haciendo oficio deperforming the office of
juez eclesiásticoecclesiastical judge
de este lugar y su partidoof this place and its district
de esta parroquial y su hijuelaof this parish (church) and its dependent (church)


Spanish Phrase
viudo (que fue) dewidower of
viuda (que fue) dewidow of
esposo que fue dewho was the husband of…
mujer que fue dewho was the wife of…
hijo legítimolegitimate son
hijo naturalnatural-born son
hijo ilegítimoillegitimate son
hijo bastardoillegitimate son of known father
hijo espurioillegitimate son of unknown father
hijo adulterinoillegitimate son
hijo expuestoabandoned child
hijo expósitoabandoned child
hijo de la iglesiaabandoned child
hijo de padres no conocidosson of unknown parents
hijo de padre no conocidoson of unknown father


Spanish Phrase
siendo testigos...being witnesses...
fueron testigos (presenciales)...the (present/eye) witnesses were...
Fueron (sus) padrinos…The godparents were…
sostuvieron al niñothe child was held by… (godparents were…)
tuvo/tuvieron al niñothe child was held by… (the godfather/godparents was/were…)


Spanish Phrase
Y por ser verdad lo firmo.In witness thereof, I sign it.
Para que conste lo firmé con el expresado señor cura.In witness thereof, I signed it with the said parish priest.
Para constancia lo firmo.To certify it, I sign it.
En constancia lo firmé.In witness thereof, I signed it.


Spanish Phrase
hice los exorcismosI baptized (I exorcised)
hizo los exorcismosHe baptized (He exorcised)
exorcicé aI baptized (I exorcised)
bauticé solemnemente aI solemnly baptized
puse los santos óleos y el sagrado crisma aI put the holy oil and the sacred chrism to
bauticé sub conditione (Latin)I baptized conditionally
bauticé condicionalmenteI baptized conditionally
puse por nombre…I named …

Warning (Christening)

Spanish PhraseMeaning
a quienes advertíwhom I advised (of)
a quienes dijewhom I told
a quienes hice saberwhom I informed (of)
a quienes instruí sobrewhom I instructed concerning
el parentesco espiritualthe spiritual relationship
sus obligaciones de enseñarle la doctrina cristianatheir obligation(s) to teach him or her the Christian doctrine
y demás obligaciones contraídasand other contracted obligations
que contraíanthat they contracted
que contrajeronthat they contracted
que han contraídothat they have contracted


Spanish Phrase
habiendo corrido todas las diligencias conciliareshaving taken care of all the conciliar measures
habiendo precedido todo lo dispuesto por el Santo Concilio de Trentohaving preceded everything required by the Holy Council of Trent
habiendo precedido todo lo que manda el Santo Concilio Tridentinohaving preceded everything required by the Holy Council of Trent
previas las disposiciones conciliaresforegoing the conciliar arrangements
conforme al Concilio de Trentoconsistent with the Council of Trent
según manda el Concilio de Trentoas ordered by the Council of Trent
amonesté en tres días festivosI published (banns) on three holy days
habiéndose amonestado en tres días festivoshaving published (banns) on three holy days
después de leídas las tres conciliares proclamasafter reading the three conciliar banns
inter missarum solemnia (Latin)in solemn mass
sin haber resultado ningún impedimentowithout any impediment (to marriage) resulting
y no habiendo resultado impedimento algunoand no impediment (to marriage) having resulted
no resultó ningún impedimentono impediment (to marriage) resulted
no resultando impedimento algunono impediment (to marriage) resulting
confesados(having) confessed
dispuestos sacramentalmentesacramentally disposed
se dispusieron sacramentalmentesacramentally disposed
examinados en la doctrina cristianaexamined in Christian doctrine
instruidos en la doctrina cristianainstructed in Christian doctrine
estando hábiles en doctrina cristianabeing able in Christian doctrine
de los pretendientesof the candidates
di las manos (a)I married
desposé (a)I married
casé y velé (a)I married and veiled (=blessed)
in facie ecclesiae (Latin)in the presence of the congregation
por palabras de presenteusing words in present tense (performing an actual marriage as opposed to a promise to marry)
según el Ritual Romanoaccording to Rituale Romanum (a book prescribing the form of Catholic ceremonies)
según orden de nuestra Santa Madre iglesiaaccording to the order of our Holy Mother Church
que constituyen el verdadero y legítimo matrimoniothat constitute true and legitimate marriage
que hacen verdadero y legítimo matrimoniothat constitute true and legitimate marriage
asistí al matrimonio deI was present at the marriage of
asistió al matrimonio dehe was present at the marriage of
con el mutuo consentimientowith the mutual consent
con su mutuo consentimientowith their mutual consent
oídos sus mutuos consentimientos(having) heard their mutual consent


Spanish Phrase
di sepultura aI buried
enterré aI buried
fue sepultado el cadáver dethe body of ... was buried
misa de cuerpo presentea mass said while the corpse of the deceased is present in the church
recibió los sacramentos de eucaristía, penitencia y extremaunciónhe/she received the sacraments of Eucharist, penitence and extreme unction
mandó enterrarse en la iglesia parroquialhe/she requested to be buried in the parish church
mandó seis misas por su ánimahe/she requested six masses for his soul
no dejó testamentohe/she did not leave a will
no testóhe/she did not leave a will
no testó por ser pobre de solemnidadhe/she did not leave a will because of his/her destitute condition/extreme poverty
dejó testamento ante el escribano…left his/her last will and testament before the notary…
nombró como su albacea anamed … as his/her executor
nombró como único y universal heredero a…named … as sole and universal heir


Paleography Introduction