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Making sense of old handwriting


All contracts contain the following parts, incorporating the six elements found in all notarial records discussed on the previous page. They will most often be in this order:

  1. ​Reception of the parties by the notary.
  2. Identification of the parties (participantes ​or contrayentes), including the fiador (guarantor)
  3. The date and place of the contract.
  4. A phrase that explains the terms of the contract:
    1. ​​​The money or property transferred, or service provided.
    2. The price or amount loaned, and terms of payment or repayment.
    3. The duration of the contract and/or length of time for payment or repayment.
  5. Language that legally formalizes the contract and defines the rights each party may have under the contract and its enforcement.
  6. Identification of the witnesses.
  7. Authentication by the notary.
  8. Signatures of the notary, witnesses, and parties.​​


Paleography Introduction