French: Church Burial Records Skip to main content
Making sense of old handwriting

Church Records: Burials





Spanish/Doña_Juana_ la_Loca

Burial and death records, also known as Les livres d'enterrement, for most French-speaking countries may include the following information, depending on the time period when they were created:

  • Date of the record, usually the burial date
  • Given name and surname of the deceased
  • Marital status of the deceased
  • Name of the spouse of the deceased
  • Age of the deceased
  • Occupation of the deceased
  • Given names, surnames, residences, and birthplaces of the parents
  • Note regarding the masses to be performed​ for the soul of the deceased
  • Note as to whether the deceased left a will
  • Names of witnesses
  • Name or signature of the officiating priest

The information included in these records usually follows a specific order; however, it is not uncommon to find the same information in a different order. For this reason, it is important to familiarize oneself with the format of the document being worked on.


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