Burial and death records, also known as Les livres d'enterrement, for most French-speaking countries may include the following information, depending on the time period when they were created:
Date of the record, usually the burial date
Given name and surname of the deceased
Marital status of the deceased
Name of the spouse of the deceased
Age of the deceased
Occupation of the deceased
Given names, surnames, residences, and birthplaces of the parents
Note regarding the masses to be performed for the soul of the deceased
Note as to whether the deceased left a will
Names of witnesses
Name or signature of the officiating priest
The information included in these records usually follows a specific order; however, it is not uncommon to find the same information in a different order. For this reason, it is important to familiarize oneself with the format of the document being worked on.
Image: Francisco Pradilla y Ortiz, Doña Juana "la Loca", 1877, Painting, Digital Image, Wikimedia Commons (https://en.wikipedia.org : accessed 5 April 2024). This image is in the public domain.