The calendar system in France has been changed several times. However, of those used in the last three hundred years, the French Republican Calendar is the most challenging for the researcher. You may also see it referred to as the French Revolutionary Calendar. When it was created and implemented by the Republic, some records were backdated to the beginning of the French Republic on 22 September 1792, which was designated as the start of year 1 of the Republican Calendar.
The revolutionaries divided the year into twelve thirty-day months and named those months for occurrences in nature within those time frames. They then added five days at the end of the year that were made into feast days for the Republic. A leap year was supposed to occur every four years that had six end-of-the-year feast days. The first year beginning September 22, 1792, was designated as An 1, the next An 2, and so forth. This calendar only lasted for 13 years, from 1792 to 1806, when France, under Napoleon, returned to the Gregorian calendar used elsewhere in Europe. (For the month of May 1871, the Commune in Paris readopted the Republican Calendar.)
Months of the year in the Republican Calendar were:
Months of the year in the Republican Calendar
Months of Fall
Months of Spring
Grape Harvest
Germination (Seed, sprout, bud)
Flowering (Flowery)
Pasture (Prairie/Meadow)
Months of Winter
Months of Summer
Harvest (Crop watcher)
Thermidor (Fervidor)
Heat (Thermal)
Fruit (Fruitful)
*The endings of the months group themselves into seasons, colored above for visualization.
Complémentaire Days
Complémentaire (complimentary) these are the extra five (or six in a leap year) feast days added to the end of the calendar. Each had its own name.
Complimentary Feast Days
French Title
English Translation
Premier - 1er
Jour de la Vertu
Day of Virtue
Deuxième – 2ème
Jour du Génie
Day of Genius
Troisième – 3ème
Jour du Travail
Day of Work
Quatrième – 4ème
Jour de l'Opinion
Day of Opinion
Cinquième – 5ème
Jour des Récompenses
Day of Recompense
*Sixième – 6ème
Jour de la Révolution
Day of Revolution
*This day was only seen on leap years.
Days of the Week
The revolutionaries also adopted names for the ten days of the week:
French Title
English Translation
day one
day two
day three
day four
day five
day six
day seven
day eight
day nine
day ten
A researcher will need to know how dates were recorded under the Republican Calendar. They were usually written out in French or the local language in Belgium, Luxembourg, and parts of the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, as well as other areas ruled by the French government, such as Egypt, Malta, Reunion, Louisiana, Guiana, and some Caribbean islands. For example:
Le treizième jour du mois de Pluviôse l’an sept de la République Française (The 13th of Pluviose in the seventh year of the French Republic).
The years of the Republic were often designated by Roman numerals. For example:
13 Pluviôse VII (13 Pluviose, seventh year of the Republic).
The jours complémentaires (complementary feast days) were recorded in two ways:
By the name of the feast.
Example: the feast day of Labor in the ninth year of the French Republic.
By the number (first, second, third, and so on) of the day.
Example: the third complementary day of the ninth year of the French Republic.