Vocabulary: Feast Days
This is a list of names of various dates used by scribes in German documents. Historically, both Protestant and Catholic records sometimes recorded dates using feast day nomenclature. After the 19th century, you will generally only find them used by Catholic scribes, if at all. Given here are common feast days in both their German and Latin variants, with an English translation and when that day would occur.
These feast days correspond to both moveable and fixed dates. The moveable dates may be found with an Easter day calendar or historical calendar to determine the actual Gregorian date. Additionally, not all dates in researched documents will use the Gregorian calendar; it may also be necessary to use a Julian to Gregorian date converter (generally if you are working with Protestant records from before 1752). For more information on the transition from Julian to Gregorian calendars please reference the Wikipedia page of adoption dates of the Gregorian calendar by country.
Date | German | Latin | English | Examples |
1 January | Beschneidung Christi | Circumcisio Christi | Circumcision of our Lord | |
6 January | Epiphanie/ Erscheinung or Dreikönigsfest/ Dreikönigstag/ Helilige Drei Könige/ Heiligedreikönigstag | Epiphaniae | Epiphany or Three Kings day | |
9th Sunday before Easter | Siebzigster Tag vor Ostern | Septuagesima | Septuagesima | |
8th Sunday before Easter | Sechzigster Tag vor Ostern | Sexagesima | Sexagesima | |
7th Sunday before Easter | Fünfzigster Tag vor Ostern | Quinquasgesima | Quinquasgesima | |
25 January | Pauli Bekehrung | Conversio | Conversion of St. Paul | |
2 February | Darstellung des Herrn | Praesentatio Domini Nostrum | Presentation of our Lord | |
24 February | Matthäus | Sancti Matthiae | St. Matthew | |
46 days before Easter | Aschermitwoch | Dies Cinerum | Ash Wednesday | |
40 days before Easter | Fastenzeit | Quadragesima | Lent | |
6 weeks before Easter | 1. Sonntag der Fastenzeit | I Bordarum, Invocavit, In Capite Jejunii | To call out; 1st Sunday in Lent | |
5 weeks before Easter | 2. Sonntag der Fastenzeit | II Reminiscere | To Remember; 2nd Sunday in Lent | |
4 weeks before Easter | 3. Sonntag der Fastenzeit | III Oculi | The Eyes; 3rd Sunday in Lent | |
3 weeks before Easter | 4. Sonntag der Fastenzeit | IV Laetare | To Rejoice; 4th Sunday in Lent | |
2 weeks before Easter | Passionsonntag | Judica | Passion Sunday; 5th Sunday in Lent | |
1 week before Easter | Palmsonntag | Palmarum | Palm Sunday; 6th Sunday in Lent | |
the Week leading up to Easter | Karwoche | Sanctum Sabbati | Holy Week | |
Thursday before Easter | Gründonnerstag | Jovis Sanctae, Cenae, Domini | Maundy Thursday | |
Friday before Easter | Karfreitag | Veneris Sanctae, Passionis, Domini | Good Friday | |
Saturday before Easter | Samstag | Sabbati Sanctae, Vigiliae, Paschali | Easter Eve | |
Easter Sunday | Ostern | Paschae | Easter Sunday | |
Easter (as a season) | Osternzeit | Paschae | Easter time | |
1 week after Easter | So wie Neugeborene | I Quasimodogeniti | Rebirth 2nd Sunday of Easter | |
2 weeks after Easter | Barmherzig | II Misericordias Domini | Mercy 3rd Sunday of Easter | |
3 weeks after Easter | Jubeln | III Jubilate | Rejoice 4th Sunday of Easter | |
4 weeks after Easter | Singen | IV Cantate | Sing 5th Sunday of Easter | |
5 weeks after Easter | Juncanditachs | V Rogate/Vocem Juncunditatis | I will call 6th Sunday of Easter | |
6 weeks after Easter | Erhöre | VI Exaudi | Hear me 7th Sunday of Easter | |
25 March | Verkündigung Maria | Annuntiatio | Annunciation | |
40 days after Easter | Himmelfahrt Christi | Ascensionis | Ascension Thursday | |
25 April | Markus | Marcus | Saint Mark | |
1 May | Philippus und Jacobus | Sanctorum Jacobi et Philippi Apostolorum | St. Philip and St. James | |
50 days after Easter | Pfingsten | penthecostes | Pentecost, Whit Sunday | |
8 weeks after Easter | Dreieinigkeitsfest | Trinitatis | Trinity 8th Sunday of Easter | |
24 June | Johannes der Täufer | Nativitatis Beati Johannis Baptistae | John the Baptist | |
29 June | Petrus und Paulus | Sanctorum Petri et Pauli Apostolorum | St. Peter and St. Paul | |
2 July | Heimsuchung Mariä | Visitationis Beatissimae Mariae Virginis | Visitation of Mary | |
25 July | Jakobus der Ältere | Sancti Jacobi Apostoli | St. James the Elder | |
6 August | Umgestaltung, Verklärung | transfiguratio | Transfiguration | |
15 August | Himmelfahrt Maria | Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis | Assumption of Mary | |
24 August | Bartholomäus | Sancti Bartholomaei Apostoli | St. Bartholomew | |
21 September | Matthäus | Sancti Matthaei Apostoli, Evangelistae | St. Matthew | |
29 September | Michael | Sancti Michaelis Archangeli | St. Michael and All Angels | |
18 October | Lucas | Sancti Lucae Evangelistae | St. Luke | |
28 October | Simeon und Judas | Sanctorum Simonis et Judae Apostolorum | St. Simeon and St. Jude | |
31 October | Reformations-Fest | Reformation day | ||
1 November | Allerseelen, Allerheiligen | Omnium Sanctorum | All Saints Day | |
30 November | Andreas | Sancti Andreae | St. Andrew | |
4 Sundays before Christmas | 1. Advent Sonntag oder Adventssonntag | Ad te levavi | 1st Advent Sunday | |
3 Sundays before Christmas | 2. Advent Sonntag | Populus Sion | 2nd Advent Sunday | |
2 Sundays before Christmas | 3. Advent Sonntag | Gaudete | 3rd Advent Sunday | |
1 Sunday before Christmas | 4. Advent Sonntag | Rorate | 4th Advent Sunday | |
21 December | Thomas | Sancti Thomae Apostoli | St. Thomas | |
25 December | Weihnachts | Nativitatis Domini | Christmas | |
26 December | Stephanus | Sancti Stephani | St. Stephen | |
27 December | Johannes | Sancti Johannis | St. John | |
28 December | Unschuldige Kindlein | Innocentium Festum | Holy Innocents |