Vocabulary: Diseases
This is a list of common disease terms, often found in death records as a cause of death.
German | English | Examples |
Abzehrung | consumption, tuberculosis | |
Altersschwäche | debility of old age | |
Auszehrung | consumption, tuberculosis | |
Blattern | measles, pox | |
Blutsturz | hemorrhage | |
Brustfieber | pneumonia | |
Brustkrankheit | pneumonia, consumption | |
Brustwassersucht | asthma | |
Durchfall | diarrhea | |
Entkräftung | weakening, debilitation | |
Epilepsie | epilepsy | |
ertrunken | drowned | |
Fallende sucht | epilepsy | |
Fieber | fever | |
Fleckfieber | typhus | |
Freitod | Suicide | |
Frieseln | scarlet Fever | |
Gallenfieber | typhus | |
Gelbsucht | jaundice | |
Geschwulst | dropsy | |
Gichter | cramps from gout | |
hitzig | feverish | |
Husten | cough | |
Kindbett | died in child birth | |
Krämpfe | convulsions | |
Lungenkrankheit | consumption | |
Magen- | stomach- | |
Masern | measles | |
Nervenfieber | typhus | |
Pocken | smallpox | |
Porpeln | measles, pox | |
Röteln | measles | |
Ruhr | dysentery | |
Schlafkrankheit | influenza | |
Schlafsucht | lethargy | |
Schlag | stroke | |
Schlag[fluß] | apoplexy, stroke | |
Schlaganfall | stroke | |
Schwäche | weakness | |
Schwindsucht | consumption | |
Schwulst | cancer | |
Steckfluß | stroke, asthma | |
Stickfluß | asthma, pulmonary edema | |
Variola | smallpox | |
Verstopfung | constipation | |
Wassersucht | dropsy, edema | |
Windpocken | chickenpox |