Vocabulary: Birth
This is a list of common terms used in German Birth records. The researcher may expect some of these terms to be used in the standard form records, however this table will be most useful for paragraph style records favored especially in German speaking churches in the United States.
German | English | Example |
Abends | evening | |
adoptiert | adopted | |
allhier | here, at this place | |
Amt | government office | |
Amtsbezirk | administrative district | |
Arbeiter | worker | |
Aufenthaltsort | place of residence | |
Außerehelich | illegitimate | |
aus | from | |
Beamter | official | |
Beruf | occupation | |
Blutsverwandtschaft | blood relationship | |
Bub | little boy | |
Bürger | citizen | |
Dorf | village | |
ebenda | ibid | |
Ehefrau | wife | |
ehelich | legitimate | |
Eheleute | married couple | |
Ehemann | husband | |
Einwohner | resident | |
ejodem | the same | |
Eltern | parents | |
erstgeboren | firstborn | |
erzeugen | conceive | |
evangelisch | evangelical | |
Familie | family | |
Fehlgebort | stillborn | |
Frau | wife, woman | |
Gatte | husband | |
Gattin | wife | |
gebo(h)ren | born | |
geborene | maiden name | |
Geburt | birth | |
Geburtsbuch | birth book | |
Geburtsort | birthplace | |
Geburtsregister | birth register | |
Geburts-schein, -kunde | birth certificate | |
Gemeinde | parish | |
Gericht | court | |
Geschlecht | gender | |
Geschlechtsname | Surname | |
Geschwister | sibling | |
gestern | yesterday | |
getauft | baptized | |
Gevatter | godfather | |
Gewerbe | business | |
Glauben | belief | |
Großeltern | grandparents | |
Heimat | home | |
heißt | to be called | |
heute | today | |
hier | here, at this place | |
Hurenkind | illegitimate child | |
israelistisch | Israelite | |
Jahr | year | |
Juden | Jew | |
jüdisch | jewish | |
Junge | boy | |
Katholisch | catholic | |
Kind | child | |
Kirche | church | |
Kirchspiel | parish | |
Knabe | young boy | |
ledig | single | |
Lutherisch | Lutheran | |
Mädchen | girl | |
männlich | male | |
Monat | month | |
Morgens | morning | |
Mutter | mother | |
Nachmittags | afternoon | |
Name | name | |
neben | next | |
Oberamt | higher government office | |
Ort | place | |
Paten | godparents | |
Pfarrer | pastor | |
Pfarr- | parish | |
Priester | priest | |
Protestant | protestant | |
Reformiert | Reformed | |
Register | register | |
Sohn (von) | Son (of) | |
Stadt | city | |
Taufe | Baptize | |
Taufregister | baptism register | |
Taufzeugen | baptism witness | |
Tochter(lein) | (little)daughter | |
Totgeboren | stillborn | |
unehelich | unmarried | |
Vater | father | |
Verzeichnis | directory, index | |
Vorname | first name | |
Wehmutter | midwife | |
weiblich | female | |
Wohnort | residence | |
Zivilstandamt | registry office | |
zu Hause | at home | |
Zuname | Surname | |
Zwillinge | twins |